Dengue reports and research – some references
Articles published in Inform’ACTION
Most of these articles are accessible on line at:
Condon, R., Taleo, G., Stewart, T., Sweeney, T. and Kiedrzynski, T. 1998. Dengue surveillance in the Pacific Islands. Inform’ACTION 2:3–9.
Kiedrzynski, T. 1998. Summary of the current dengue-2 epidemic in the Pacific Islands as up to 20 September. Inform’ACTION 2:10–11.
Taleo, G., Toaliu, H., Condon, R. and Clothier, H. 1998. Dengue in Port Vila, May–July 1998: A short report demonstrating surveillance in action. Inform’ACTION 2:12–16.
Taulung, L. and Asher, P. A. 1998. Dengue fever outbreak in Kosrae. Inform’ACTION 2:16–18.
Qiolevu, A. and Bera, A. 2000. Anti-dengue media campaign in Fiji. Inform’ACTION 6: 11–13.
Pineda, M.D. 2001. Dengue 1 epidemic in Palau – a summary as of 27 April 2001. Inform’ACTION 8:4–6.
Hubert, B. and Laille, M. 2001. Type 1 dengue fever outbreak in French Polynesia. Inform’ACTION 8:6–9.
Kiedrzynski, T. 2001. Dengue update. Inform’ACTION 9:3–5.
O’Leary, M.J. 2001. PPHSN Guidelines: Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) Clinical Management Guidelines. Inform’ACTION 9: supplement. Accessible on line at:
Berlioz-Arthaud, A. 2002. Report on a year of dengue surveillance in New Caledonia (2001). Inform’ACTION 11:9–14.
Lepers, C. 2002. DEN-1 outbreak in the Pacific – update as at 22 May 2002. Inform’ACTION 11:14–16.
Iniakwala, D., Darcy, A. and Bugoro, H. 2002. Dengue fever in the Solomon Islands. Inform’ACTION 12:7–13.
Lepers, C. 2002. Dengue update – 17 January 2003. Inform’ACTION 13:12–13.
Hubert, B. 2002. Type 1 dengue fever epidemic in French Polynesia in 2001. Inform’ACTION 13:14–15.
Berlioz-Arthaud, A. 2002. Evaluation of reagents for the serological diagnosis of dengue. Inform’ACTION 13:15–18.
Berlioz-Arthaud, A. 2004. New Caledonia dengue surveillance report (2004). Inform’ACTION 17:12–13.
Kiedrzynski, T. 2004. Den-3 – a threat the Pacific Islands need to consider. Inform’ACTION 17:14.
Tarivonda, L. 2004. Dengue surveillance and response in Vanuatu. Inform’ACTION 18:4–9.
Rouchon, B. 2004. New Caledonia’s 2004 dengue fever mobilisation day. Inform’ACTION 18:10–13.
Bel, M. 2005. Type 1 dengue fever outbreak in Yap (2004). Inform’ACTION 20:11–12.
Guillaumot, L. 2005. Entomological surveillance for dengue. Inform’ACTION 20:12–14.
Guillaumot, L. 2005. Guam training workshop on identification and surveillance of vector mosquitoes, 26–28 July 2005. Inform’ACTION 21:30–31.
Guillaumot, L. 2006. Vector mosquitoes surveillance and identification: Training workshop in Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), 28 August – 1 September 2006. Inform’ACTION 24:27–28.
Wiegandt, A., Lastère, S., Hirschauer, C. and Loncke, S. 2006. Final findings of dengue epidemiological surveillance in French Polynesia, 2006. Inform’ACTION 25:12–18.
Articles published in Pacific Health Dialog
Morens, D.M. 1996. Dengue fever: a prevention summary for Pacific health workers. Pacific Health Dialog 3(2):240–52.
Chungue, E., Deparis, X. and Murgue, B. 1998. Dengue in French Polynesia: major features, surveillance, molecular epidemiology and current situation. Pacific Health Dialog 5(1):154–62.
Kiedrzynski, T., Souarès, Y. and Stewart, T. 1998. Dengue in the Pacific: an updated story. Pacific Health Dialog 5(1):129–36.
Condon, R., Taleo, G., Stewart, T., Sweeney, T. and Kiedrzynski, T. 2000. Dengue surveillance in the Pacific Islands. Pacific Health Dialog 7(2):122–26. Accessible on line at:
Noel, M. 2005. Dengue fever larval control in New Caledonia: assessment of a door-to-door health educators program. Pacific Health Dialog 12(2):39–44. Accessible on line at:
Durand, M.A., Bel, M., Ruwey, I. Marfel, M., Yug, L. and Ngaden, V. 2005. An outbreak of dengue fever in Yap State. Pacific Health Dialog 12(2):99–102. Accessible on line at:
Singh, N., Kiedrzynski, T., Lepers, C. and Kamisan Benyon, E. 2005. Dengue in the Pacific – an update of the current situation. Pacific Health Dialog 12(2):111–120. Accessible on line at:
Articles published in other journals
Bouldouyre, M.A., Baumann, F., Berlioz-Arthaud, A., Chungue, E. and Lacassin, F. 2006. Factors of severity at admission during an epidemic of dengue 1 in New Caledonia (South Pacific) in 2003. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 38(8):675-81.
Berlioz-Arthaud, A., Marfel, M., Durand, A.M. and Ogawa, T. 2005. Evaluation of a new anti-dengue virus IgM particle agglutination kit in the context of the Pacific Islands. WHO Dengue Bulletin 29:70–78.
A-Nuegoonpipat, A., Berlioz-Arthaud, A., Chow, V., Endy, T., Lowry, K., Mai le, Q., Ninh, T.U., Pyke, A., Reid, M., Reynes, J.M., Su Yun, S.T., Thu, H.M., Wong, S.S., Holmes, E.C. and Aaskov, J. 2004. Sustained transmission of dengue virus type 1 in the Pacific due to repeated introductions of different Asian strains. Virology. 329(2):505–12.
Other useful reference documents and web links
Parks, W. and Lloyd, L. 2004. Planning social mobilization and communication for dengue fever prevention and control. A step by step guide. Geneva: World Health Organization.
Accessible at:
Dengue haemorrhagic fever: diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. 2nd edition. Geneva: World Health Organization. Accessible at:
Guidelines for dengue surveillance and mosquito control. Second Edition. 2003. WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific.
DengueNet on World Health Organization website: