Under the auspices of the Pacific Public Health Surveillance Network (PPSHN), the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) jointly convened the first regional EpiNet workshop in Suva, Fiji Islands, 1–5 September 2003. The theme of the workshop was: “Building on the SARS experience — preparing PPHSN for emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases”.
The meeting gathered more than sixty participants and invited guests. They included members of national/territorial EpiNet teams from all the Pacific Island countries and territories, except Papua New Guinea and Tuvalu (who could not make it), and representatives from regional organisations and collaborating institutions.
The format of the workshop included plenary presentations and discussions, group work, and panel discussions.
Here is an overview of the workshop by day and theme:
DAY 1:
Opening ceremony and introductory session
Update on SARS – Past, Present and Future
DAY 2:
Sustaining the Benefits of the SARS Response – Infection Control and Other measures
DAY 3:
Planning Influenza Pandemic Preparedness for the Pacific Islands
PPHSN information services
Sustainable funding mechanisms for the response to epidemics in the region
Regional and National communicable disease databases
DAY 4:
Experiences with recent outbreaks in the PI region
PPHSN guidelines
Other priority diseases for the PPHSN?
New International Health Regulations (IHR)
DAY 5:
PPHSN existing or planned projects
PPHSN Strategic Plan