Report as of 28 July 2009

WHO South Pacific – Pandemic Influenza A / H1N1 2009 Surveillance

Report as of 28 July 2009

Country Last update received Influenza-like illness (ILI) Suspected pandemic H1N1 Samples submitted for PCR testing Confirmed pandemicH1N1
New cases Total to date New Total to date New Total to date New cases since last report (21 July) Total to date
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Cases Deaths
American Samoa 6/07/2009 158 47 0 35 8 0
Cook Islands 3/07/2009 19 4 0 20 1 0
Fed. States of Micronesia 24/07/2009 189 2 0 176 1 0
Fiji 27/07/2009 697 1258 0 226 0 404 97 0
French Polynesia 27/07/2009 0 31 0 31 2 0 13 0
Guam 25/07/2009 5 0 33 1
Kiribati 7/07/2009 4 0 0 0
Marshall Islands 27/07/2009 63 90 27 45 17 0 27 0
Nauru 24/07/2009 1022 0 5 0 27 7 0
New Caledonia 26/07/2009 40 101 0
Niue 13/07/2009 16 29 0 0 0 0 0 0
Northern MarianaIslands 27/07/2009 0 0 2 0 2 0
Palau 24/07/2009 85 16 0 9 24 12 13 0
Pitcairn Islands 27/07/2009 0 0 0 0
Papua New Guinea 1 0
Samoa 17/07/2009 5 0 29 0
Solomon Islands 19/07/2009 545 7326 1 2 0
Tokelau 22/07/2009 1 0 0 0
Tonga 21/07/2009 10 10 9 1
Vanuatu 14/07/2009 0 0 113 3 0
Wallis & Futuna
TOTAL 1331 10186 0 0 347 0 36 875 73 0 347 2
(16 countries & territories)

In addition:

Australia 27/07/2009 17061 50
Hawaii 23/07/2009 1424 3
New Zealand 27/07/2009 42 1 2662 12
World 27/07/2009 134503 816
(172 countries)

Note: cells containing dashes (-) indicate that no information is available.

Data between countries may not be comparable as some countries report by onset date and others by report date.