
EpiNet is the response arm of the network. It consists of multi-disciplinary national/territorial outbreak response teams. These teams were formed by Pacific Island health authorities in every Pacific Island country and territory in 2001.

Besides coordinated surveillance and response field activities, the role of EpiNet is also to establish and maintain relevant PPHSN target-diseases surveillance and response protocols, including all technical and resource-related aspects of all operations.

A regional EpiNet team is also being established.

List of EpiNet Teams

In every Pacific Island country and territory, health authorities have nominated National/Territorial EpiNet Teams.

Consult the list of National/Territorial EpiNet Teams



2005 Epidemiological report – Wallis and Futuna, compiled by the EpiNet team (original in French, – the leptospirosis part is available in English in Inform’ACTION 23)

Annual summary of notifiable diseases – Guam 2005, compiled by the Office of Epidemiology and Research, Department of Public Health and Social Services, Government of Guam (pdf, 291KB)


Revision of the International Health Regulations (2004):
WHO – Intergovernmental Working Group on the Revision of the International Health Regulations – Working paper for regional consultations – 12 January 2004 (PDF, 263KB)

National Focal Points for the International Health Regulations – Draft 2003 (Word, 25 KB)

WHO – Global Crises – Global Solutions – Managing public health emergencies of international concern through the revised International Health Regulations, 2002 (PDF, 972 KB)

Materials used at the First Regional EpiNet Workshop held in September 2003:
1 – Proposed Draft Decision Instrument for Assessment of Public Health Emergencies (PDF, 20 KB)

2 – Core Requirements in Public Health Surveillance and Response for the operation of the Revised International Health Regulations by WHO Member States (PDF, 17 KB)

3 – Notification of Public Health Emergencies of International Concern under the revised IHR (PDF, 15 KB)

4 – Defining core capacities in surveillance and response under the revised IHR (PDF, 10 KB)